Say hi to your very own

Gallery Space

Ever wanted to see your art on gallery walls? By uploading images or selecting your Adobe Photoshop Lightroom albums, you can view, share, and sell reproductions of your work in an immersive 3D gallery space.

Sign in with Adobe ID

Create a gallery from uploaded images

No Subscriptions required! Select any JPEG images on your device to upload and create a gallery in seconds:

  1. Sign in with your Adobe ID or create a free one.
  2. Select images from your device.
  3. Optionally add details to each image.
  4. Create a gallery in seconds.
  5. Easily customize the gallery layout, materials, etc.
  6. Create drop-shop products from the images and earn revenue by selling them in the Galeryst shop.
  7. Create a guided tour of your gallery.
  8. Share your gallery with your friends and family on phones, tablets, computers, and VR headsets.
Dialog to upload images
screen of tiles representing Adobe Lightroom albums to select when creating a gallery.

Galeryst brings life to your Adobe Lightroom Albums

Sync from Lightroom
Every art work deserves a space. Galeryst gives you artistic license to sync your Lightroom albums to be displayed in a 3D gallery space.
Sign in with Adobe
All you need to get started is to sign in with your Adobe Id. You choose the albums to display, and watch Galeryst do the rest.

Start with a free trial

Starter Plan
All you need is a free Adobe ID.
Create one here.
1 Gallery
2 Wings
Up to 156 artworks
Yep, it really is free.

Be inspired

Every artist deserves a space.

Just some of the galleries artists are using Galeryst for. Want to profile your gallery?

Create a Gallery from Image Files

uploaded artwork
You will be able to customize and share your gallery once you create it.
Creating gallery

Galeryst Terms & Conditions

Before you continue, you must agree to the Galeryst Terms of Service.

As Galeryst uses content from your Adobe Photoshop Lightroom albums and/or images you upload to Galeryst, you are in control of the content in your galleries at all times and are responsibe for insuring that you have rights to exhibit the work.

Galeryst is not to be used to exhibit any hateful, discriminatory, or sexually explicit content. See the terms of service for full details.

If you are not yet a subscriber, when you agree to these terms, your free Starter plan will begin, which allows you to create and exhibit a single gallery from your Lightroom albums or image uploads with up to two wings.

When you agree to these terms, you will then be taken to the Stripe portal to pay for a new Starter subscription.