Adobe Creative Cloud Login

Galeryst uses the Adobe Creative Cloud to authenticate users. Once authenticated, users can allow Galeryst to display imagery from their online Lightroom collections and Creative Cloud Libraries. To share your artwork on Galeryst today, you need to be an Adobe Creative Cloud subscriber with Adobe Lightroom in your plan.

Press Login now to login or create a free Adobe account today and start an Free 7-day trial of Adobe Lightroom.

Subscription Plan Change

Galeryst Terms & Conditions

Before you continue, you must agree to the Galeryst Terms of Service.

As Galeryst uses content from your Adobe Photoshop Lightroom albums and/or images you upload to Galeryst, you are in control of the content in your galleries at all times and are responsibe for insuring that you have rights to exhibit the work.

Galeryst is not to be used to exhibit any hateful, discriminatory, or sexually explicit content. See the terms of service for full details.

If you are not yet a subscriber, when you agree to these terms, your free Starter plan will begin, which allows you to create and exhibit a single gallery from your Lightroom albums or image uploads with up to two wings.

When you agree to these terms, you will then be taken to the Stripe portal to pay for a new Starter subscription.

Welcome to Galeryst!

You can now create a gallery on the My Galleries page.

You can create a single small gallery with two wings from any of your Adobe Photoshop Lightroom albums. Come back to this page to sign up for a subscription plan if you want to create more galleries, larger galleries, or galleries with more capabilites.